I have something VERY EXCITING to share!!

I am announcing the official launch of a new website I've been working very hard on- www.VISHPortal.ca: Vancouver Island Seers and Healers!
This online directory facilitates the connection between local Metaphysical and Holistic Health Practitioners, providing a beautiful online presence, hosting a community events calendar, and even has an APP for your phone!
The VISH Portal was designed to facilitate the connection between practitioners and clients. With beautiful service listings and detailed profiles for each practitioner, you can present yourself and the services you offer, for only a fraction of the cost of advertising.
Additionally, not everyone uses social media. My intention was to open up a portal online that is accessible by all, without having to have Facebook. Even those that have social media find it hard to know where to look for peers and colleagues, because with so many groups, our energies and efforts are often scattered and hard to organize. VISH offers a centralized community forum, removing barriers of inclusion and access. There is a page highlighting practitioners, there are service categories to browse, and the events calendar allows members to add their events, post their services, and reach a wider audience.
This has been a labor of love, and it is my goal to help my colleagues and my neighbors connect with each other. Have a peek, and if you're local, sign up with us!!!
~Blessed Be~