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Astrology Services
in-person or video chat
Astrology can tell us what is fated-
Showing potential, opportunities, challenges to
be aware of, and karmic themes at play.
Booking an Astrology consultation can help you see the bigger picture, understand what is happening for you, and help you plan for the future.
Astrology consultations can be combined with a live Tarot reading- the package for that is "Existential Detective"
45 min
225 dollars canadiens- Lire plus
Birth chart analysis with current planetary transits. Includes booklet to keep and Q&A session.
1 h
285 dollars canadiens 1 h
333 dollars canadiens1 h
175 dollars canadiens1 h
135 dollars canadiens- Lire plus
Using birth charts for each person, I will use Astrology to assess compatibility & past life karma.
1 h
333 dollars canadiens - Lire plus
Using birth charts for each person, I will use Astrology to assess compatibility & past life karma.
1 h
275 dollars canadiens 1 h
250 dollars canadiens
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